Archive for The Shining

“Let’s Do the Time Warp Again!!” A Closer look at what to expect from the Abertoir Horror Festival 2012!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on September 9, 2012 by Hayley's Horror Reviews

Within 48 hours the Abertoir Horror Festival early-bird passes sold out faster than the body count rate from a 80’s slasher film, but fear not passes are still available at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre for the bargain price of £58 and will provide gore-hounds with six days of unstoppable horror and mayhem! Abertoir’s Seventh year promises to be its biggest and best yet featuring its usual mix of classic horror, brand new features and shorts as well as live music, comedy and theatre. Gaz Bailey and the team are currently working hard to secure the best recent genre films and a variety of special guests.

It has been announced that the festival will open on November 6th with the new BFI release of Stanley Kubrick’s classic The Shining, this new cut will provide an extra 24 minutes of never before seen footage for the first time in the UK, so get your axes at the ready cos Johnny will be HEEERE!!!

Professor Peter Hutchings, the horror academic who specialises in Hammer films will be presenting an introduction prior to the screening of Quatermass and the Pit and Gavin Baddeley is returning with another of his fangtastic talks, this year he will discuss what makes a horror film a horror film! What’s wonderful about Abertoir is it really gives its audience an insight into the depths of horror and teaches fans something about their beloved genre by including these guests.

Last year saw a heart-warming and emotional talk and presentation by Victoria Price on her father’s legacy and connection to Wales. Abertoir wouldn’t be Abertoir without a screening of a Vincent Price classic in celebration of the beloved actor’s contribution to the genre. This year will see a 3D screening of The Mad Magician from 1954 and Abertoir will be the first festival in the UK to screen the film in its 3D format.

This year’s festival has a sub-theme dedicated to Italian cinema and will be welcoming the guest of honour Catriona MacColl who will be in attendance for the screening of the classic Fulci film The Beyond. 

And now for the attraction I am looking forward to the most! Get your newspapers, confetti and suspenders at the ready and come and do the time warp again as Abertoir’s traditional party will be taking on the theme of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, guaranteed to leave the audience thrilled, chilled and fulfilled! The cult musical will be celebrated in all its Transylvanian glory as guests will be encouraged to dress up and sing along with the quirky musical numbers, it’s certainly a different set of jaws! The screening will be followed by live music from Doctor Caligari and DJ Dellamorte, I hope to see you all dancing the night away!

Another exciting feature this year is the re-mastered screening of Clive Barker’s Nightbreed titled The Cabal Cut. The film was originally released in 1990 with significant scenes lost into footage obscurity. It has since resurfaced as two separate work prints combined with scenes from the theatrical release, creating this never before seen re-mastered version! The film will be followed by a Q&A with the cast and crew. It would be hellish to miss it!  

If that’s not enough to get your blood boiling with excitement I don’t know what is! The organisers are in the final stages of gathering the line-up together and from what they have teased us with so far its going to be the most successful year yet with plenty to sink our teeth into! As its grown over the years Abertoir has become a community for fans and filmmakers to network, it has a very relaxed, welcoming and friendly atmosphere! We promise we don’t bite!

Call the Arts Centre Box Office on 01970 623232 and grab yourselves a pass and I’ll see you in November (6th-11th).

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Hayley Alice Roberts.

For a taster of what to expect from Abertoir check out the promo from last year which I was fortunate enough to be involved in making:

Abertoir Horror Festival Promo 2011

Hayley Alice Roberts